One Show China. The One Club for creativity was one of the first creative organizations to start building a design and advertising creative community and initiatives when China opened up to the west. Since 2003, I’ve attended 14 One Show student workshops attended by over 500 students. Most of those students we mentored in the early 2000’s are today driving this now huge and highly developed creative industry.
Part of The One Club for Creativity’s mission is diversity. Be it gender or race, the One Club hosts many workshops to correct the imbalance in the design and advertising industry. Now in its 5th Year, the South African diversity boot camp has grown from strength to strength. I ran the first two but now Xolisa Dyeshana is running them. Here pictured is One Club for Creativity board member, Jimmy Smith who twice has flown all the way from LA to South Africa to mentor hungry minds.
In New York I hosted a comedy writer’s workshop at the One Show Creative Week a few years ago. Copywriters like Eric Silver and Gerry Graf shared their insights in the workshop.
Every year in February, the One Club for Creativity hosts a 3 day ‘conference’ for creative leaders. It’s specifically designed to be intimate, where an Art Director from Bolder, Colorado could lunch next to someone like Susan Credle, Chief Creative Officer of FCB, and have dinner next to Glen Cole, Chief Creative officer of 72 and Sunny.
During the One Club for Creativity’s Creative Week in New York, is the portfolio review. It’s a privilege to review hundreds of student’s portfolios. It’s my favorite part of this week-long celebration of creativity.